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Posted: 2005-01-12 / Author: Aaron Turpen

Speeding Up Adobe Reader

If you're like most computer users, you use your free Adobe Reader (currently in version 6) on a pretty regular basis. If you're like me, you noticed a huge slow-down in the load time for the software when this latest release came out.

If you're also like me, this really chapped your hide and you wanted to find out why it suddenly got so mired down and how to make it fast again.

So I contacted some people at Adobe and found out the answer: plug-ins.
Apparently, the new Reader has a lot of external plug-ins to do all kinds of things that most of us will never do with it. And you thought Microsoft Word was the only software that did that…

Anyway, you can get rid of these things and make Reader fast again by following these simple steps:
This step-by-step assumes you're using Windows XP.
First, launch Windows Explorer or a similar directory navigation tool. You can do this by opening your Control Panel. Now navigate to the Program Files folder (hint: click on the "Address" bar and scroll to select drive "C:" then double-click the "Program Files" folder).
Inside that folder, you'll find an "Adobe" folder, inside that an "Adobe 6.0" folder, and inside that a "Reader" folder. Inside THAT folder is a folder named "plug_ins."
Right click on the "plug_ins" folder and rename it to "kill_plug_ins" (or something like that).
Now right click on a blank space inside the Explorer box and go to "New" and "Folder." Name the new folder "plug_ins" like the old one used to be.
Now you'll need a couple of the plug-ins your Reader came with in order for it to function. So go to the new "kill_plug_ins" folder and select (hold down the Ctrl key and click) three files: EWH32.api, printme.api, Search.api. After you've selected all three, move your mouse to "Edit" and click "Copy." Now double-click on the "plug_ins" folder you created.

Inside that folder (it should be empty), click "Edit" and select "Paste." All three files should now appear in the folder.
You're done!
Now your Adobe Reader will load like lightning again! If you ever run into the rare PDF that you cannot open, just follow the above steps to navigate to your folder, rename the "plug_ins" folder to something else and then change the "kill_plug_ins" folder back to its original "plug_ins" name. This restores the old settings.

This little quick fix will make your PDF reading much, much faster and more enjoyable!

Aaron Turpen is the proprietor of Aaronz WebWorkz, an online company providing services to small businesses on the 'Net. Aaron publishes two weekly newsletters, The Aaronz WebWorkz Weekly Newsletter dealing with all things small business and Aaronz Auction Newsletter, which deals with online auction buying and selling. Both are free and accessible through

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