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Posted: 2010-10-23 / Author: SA BusinessHub

Path To Success

Almost everyone has done a personality test at one time. Often, you discover things you already knew about yourself - Extroverted or Introverted, Big Picture or Detail Orientated - Interesting yes, but how does it make a difference to your life?

Wealth Dynamics is the only personality test that tells you exactly what strategy you should follow to build wealth.

Of all the vastly different ideas, strategies, businesses and investments that you could pursue, Wealth Dynamics narrows it down for you ... precisely.

Here's why...

In all of history there have only ever been eight ways to create Wealth.

It might appear to most people that there are hundreds of ways, but in actuality there are ONLY eight! Click here to read more...
Successful entrepreneurs focus only where they are strong and unsuccessful entrepreneurs try and do it all themselves.

There are eight paths to wealth - not seven, not nine, not 56 - there are only eight. All great wealth has been created by people who have focused on the particular path that suits their natural character. These people have mastered the rules of their path and progressed with unwavering clarity and certainty.Bill Gates has created wealth very differently to Oprah Winfrey. Warren Buffet is a Billionaire but he has created his wealth differently to Richard Branson. Some wealthy people have high profiles, some are reclusive. Some create things, some trade things, some accumulate things, some just put their name on things. It would seem unlikely that Michael Dell could build wealth like Robbie Williams. Although both men are successful, they have almost nothing in common. Share trading could be disastrous for Martha Stewart, but a fantastic idea for George Soros.

Which one are you?

  • If there truly are 8 paths, which way is right for you?
  • What strategies should you focus on and what should you avoid?
  • Who should you role model?
  • What types of people can most help you succeed?
  • What should people be focused on in today's economy?
  • Who should be on your team & who should be off it?

Building Wealth isn't about fighting yourself and trying to suppress your natural behaviour. If that were true, the wealthiest people on the planet would have quit when they first became millionaires rather than still playing the game their whole life.

The real trick to building wealth is to maximise your natural strengths and the things you feel are fun. That way you will always have the energy and the drive to stick through the challenges (and EVERY wealth strategy throws up challenges that are designed to weed out the people who are just chasing the money).

How does Wealth Dynamics Maximise My Strengths?

Wealth Dynamics is a wealth profiling system which uses a psychometric test to assess your personality, strengths, productivity, values and group behaviour, to determine your most natural way to build wealth.

Up until now the only way to discover which path is right for you, has been through the process of trial and error.
You make your money in business, then lose it all on the stock market... You spend years earning money working for someone else, and then lose it all starting your own business...

Wealth Dynamics was developed to take the Trial & Error out of the process.
It provides you with a map to guide you on Your Path to Wealth, allowing you to identify which strategies, and six steps you need to be focusing on, learning about, and taking action on.

It only takes 20 minutes, and remember there are no right or wrong answers ... only what is true for you!

Take the test and discover your profile today. We will email you everything you need to take the test, so you can choose to complete it when you have 20 minutes of un-interrupted time. You will there after receive :

A 29 page Wealth Dynamics Report with :

·  Your Wealth Profile
This shows you the most natural activities you should focus on to Create Wealth

·  Role Models Who Share Your Wealth Profile
Which top entrepreneurs you should study and learn from

·  Your Strengths & Weaknesses as a Wealth Creator
What gets you into your flow. What are distractions and what are opportunities.

·  How to Build Your Wealth Foundation
What are the first steps you should take so you don't lose your wealth later.

·  Your Moment of Wealth Creation
What "Critical Moments" should you be on the lookout for.

·  How to Create Value using Your Profile
How to channel your strengths in a way that the world responds favourably to.

·  The Value You Need to Own
The things you should never outsource to anyone and the things you can delegate freely.

·  How to Leverage Your Value to Many
How to take even small amounts of value and get it into the hands of many.

·  How You Secure Your Cash flow
So you don't become a "boom-buster"

Items in this Bundle

    R 375.00

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