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Posted: 2006-08-05 / Author: Vicki Miller

Combining Your Passion With Your Business

My husband and I have property at a lake resort community not far from our home. The interesting thing about this Resort Development Company is their high percentage of sales closings. It’s really pretty amazing.

You see, the company does an excellent job of attracting people to the property and then the sales staff does an exceptional job closing them once they get there.

Let me tell a short story about it that I think can make a difference for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS.

Several years ago, my husband wanted to take a drive and see this lake community. I was thinking: Great! I'll be locked inside a room for hours while they put on the hard sell and then they won't let us get away unless we sign on the dotted line! But guess what? We actually experienced something VERY different than that.

On Saturday morning we met with David, a large man with easy-going manner, soft voice and endless enthusiasm. I've never seen anyone who was so sold on his product. As David took us for a tour of the property, he pointed out his house and explained what drew his family to the area.

David was raised in a small town near by and was trained as a welder. But his real desire was to become a builder some day. David's enthusiasm really came out when he showed us lots. As we walked around several lots, David would say excitedly: "And this is where you could put your deck! Think about sitting out here in the mornings with a cup of coffee enjoying the view. Pretty spectacular, isn't it?" His passion painted a picture of possibilities for us and, even though we arrived with NO intention of buying, we ended up leaving as property owners! And several years later we even hired David to build our house.

How does the company convert so many visitors to owners? Well, it certainly isn't extremely seasoned sales professionals or high pressure sales tactics. What they do have is a simple formula:

1. Have a great product that the sales personnel can have real confidence in and 2. Select individuals that love the product golden goose baratas and express passion in everything they do surrounding that product.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because, like me, YOU can learn something from this developer. As independent business people, you all have great products/services and if you’re not passionate about these products or services, who will be?

If your results are falling short of your expectations, try adding an element of passion to your day. When you do, you will find a spring in your step, revived energy and a zest that will carry you through any challenges that surface!

Here's the bottom line to this story: The best tool you have for promoting your business and selling your products/services is confidence in what you have to offer and passion for sharing this opportunity with others! It’s your passion that makes others fall in love with what you have!

Vicki Miller, CUCG, PCC Founder - Direct Selling Leadership Center Copyright June 2006

About The Author: As a coach working primarily with direct sellers, my passion has always been to help clients grow and achieve success. I began envisioning ways to offer training designed specifically for direct selling leaders -- training that would address their needs and instill confidence in their ability to manage a thriving business, lead their team and develop new leaders. It's here!

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